Free and anonymous STI testing week

As every year, the Bionext medical analysis laboratory, in collaboration with the Luxembourg Red Cross, is participating in the European Testing Week (free screening campaign for sexually transmitted infections), which will take place from 21 to 28 November 2022.
About 15% of HIV carriers are unaware of their HIV status 1.
This alarming figure is the reason why it is necessary to promote prevention and facilitate access to the prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, which are often associated with co-infections.
This year, Bionext offers several new features to reach a larger number of patients:
- simplified access conditions: your results are now available in the secure myLAB application
- panel of tests offered in 2022: screening of 100% of sexually transmitted infections
- Hépatit B
- Hepatitis C
- Syphilis
PCR Sexually transmitted infections
- Chlamydia etrachomatis
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae
- Mycoplasma genitalium
- Trichomonas vaginalis
And always:
- without an appointment
- in all our sampling centres
- without a medical prescription
- free of charge
The objective of our approach is to complete the existing offer for a new public (free information, screening and diagnosis centres, self-tests proposed by associations fighting against AIDS, permanent access to health care for people in precarious situations), alongside medical prescriptions or free sales of self-tests in pharmacies, in order to allow for early screening, which is a prerequisite for effective treatment in case of infection.
Like other European countries that have already implemented it, Luxembourg could offer this access to tests using cutting-edge techniques coupled with medical support all year round without prescription or advance payment in all medical analysis laboratories nationwide.
Source 01.12.2020 ↩