Contact us
Want to send us an email? Have an inquiry? Just fill the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

If you’re looking for the sponsoring opportunities: Bear Pride Sponsoring opportunities.

The indicate a mandatory fields.


If you want to support us, you can make a donation to our non-profit organization. We will use the money to organize events, to support the community and to help other non-profit organizations.

We are a non-profit organization, so we can't give you a tax receipt.Since we are not (yet) a non-profit "reconnu d'utilité publique", you cannot pretent to a tax reduction for your donation.

Please include an email address in the communication field of your wire transfert, so we can email you the receipt.

Our bank account is:

Account name Bear Dukes Luxembourg a.s.b.l
IBAN IE54 SUMU 9903 6510 3303 48
Bank SumUp Payments Limited