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Bear Dukes Luxembourg Announces Pause on Nightlife Events
May 31, 2024 in press-release
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Join the EMIS-2024 Survey: Your Voice Matters!
May 28, 2024 in health and study
The European MSM Internet Survey (EMIS) is back for 2024, and we need your help to make a difference! This important survey is designed to collect valuable data from gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) across Europe. Your participation can help shape the future of sexual health services and policies, ensuring they are tailored to meet the needs of our community.
The Importance of Authentic Support: Choosing LGBTQ+ Owned Venues and Businesses for Our Events
December 05, 2023 in Thoughts, and Advocacy
In the vibrant tapestry of LGBTQ+ events, parties, and gatherings, thereā€™s an often overlooked but critical aspect that deserves our attention: the ownership and management of the venues where these events are held. Itā€™s increasingly common to find LGBTQ+ parties being hosted at venues run by individuals who donā€™t identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community. While inclusivity is a cornerstone of our community, itā€™s essential to scrutinize the intentions and involvement of these venue owners in LGBTQ+ rights and issues.
Official Announcement: Cancellation of the Mr. Bear Luxembourg 2024 Election
September 17, 2023 in press release and news
Dear Bear Community,
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All the profits will be use to finance events and actions for LGBTQ+.

Picture of Philadelphia 2017 eight-stripe flag
Philadelphia 2017 eight-stripe flag

In June 2017, the city ofĀ  Philadelphia Ā adopted a revised version of the flag designed by the marketing firm Tierney...

Picture of Progress 2018 Flag
Progress 2018 Flag

In June 2018 designer Daniel Quasar released a redesign incorporating elements from both the Philadelphia flag and trans pride...

Picture of Bear Flag
Bear Flag

TheĀ International Bear Brotherhood FlagĀ was designed to represent theĀ  bearĀ within theĀ  LGBT community . The colours of the flag are meant...

Picture of Transgender Pride Flag
Transgender Pride Flag

TheĀ transgender pride flagĀ is a light blue, pink and white striped flag designed byĀ  American Ā  trans woman Ā  Monica...

Picture of Bisexual Pride Flag
Bisexual Pride Flag

TheĀ bisexual pride flagĀ was designed byĀ  Michael Page Ā in 1998 to give theĀ  bisexual community Ā its symbol comparable to theĀ ...

Bear Dukes Luxembourg

We are the Luxembourgish bear community šŸ‡±šŸ‡ŗ:bear:. We started as a bunch of people (actually 2 mains and some other gravitating around them) that want to make the bear scene in Luxembourg being more visible, living, active, seen, sane. We did organize the first bear pride in Luxembourg in 2016, organizing the second one in 2017 and running the 3rd Mr. Bear Election for the first year.

Since November 2017 we are also a non-profit organisation registered at RCSL working to give more visibility to our community and act for their rights (to keep it simple). If you are a lawyer, you may :heart: reading our status.

Social media

We are not on a lot of social media, by choice and lack of time, but we are pretty active on Facebook. With an official ā€œfanpageā€ who give general information about the LGBT+ & bear community, reposting news from our neighbourgs also, and a private group where all the community member can express himself & where we post pictures of the parties (to respect people privacy, this group is limited to men-only people that expressed interest in bear communities before).